Discount weeks: 20% off

Partner discount on each order

Create a business account by filling in the details below.

You can immediately log in on our website.

After we received your registration, we will send you an email on the next working day to the email address you used to register with the activation code for your partner discount.

Are you a horticulturist, contractor or do you have a carpentry business?

Receive an extra discount which can reach as high as 10% on our entire range. We have the largest hardwood stock in the Benelux.

You no longer have to come with a trailer, we deliver to your working location for free.

To all of our business customers applies that the order must be paid in advance via iDEAL, Paypal, credit card or bank transfer. All subsequent orders can be ordered on account with a payment term of 14 days net.

Enter your details here

Up to 10% discount

Exclusively for you as professional!

  • Earning more with (much) less work!
  • Get discount off on each order!

The advantages of Hardwood Discount

  • Largest selection of hardwood in the United Kingdom
  • Also free delivery on site (so directly to your customer!)
  • No more travelling with a bus or trailer. We deliver to your location!
  • Order before midday, shipment in 5 days
  • Standard % discount on our entire range
  • Your discount can reach 10% or more after multiple orders!