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We recommend that you first report any complaints to us by sending an email to or calling 0031 6 8200 7306.

We strive for 100% customer satisfaction. But we also know that sometimes something can go wrong with us, or with the customer, which has led to dissatisfaction. We are critical to our own organisation and try to develop the best possible process to prevent complaints. 

But please note: "straight is straight - crooked is crooked" Not all complaints are justified, and not every customer will be satisfied with our solution, we realise that. Nevertheless, we strive for 100% complaint resolution and satisfaction. Over here we say : "A complaint is a gift". This gives us, in the event of a justified complaint and sometimes also an unfounded complaint, a direct opportunity to do even better. 
An unsatisfied customer can never be an ambassador for our company. 

Our products and their presentation
That is why there are clear pictures and product descriptions on our site. We value your opinion and customer satisfaction. We will always speak to you, and try to solve your complaint as well as possible.

If your complaint does not lead to a solution, it is possible to register your dispute for mediation through Stichting WebwinkelKeur.  From 15 February 2016, it is also possible for consumers in the EU to report complaints via the ODR platform of the European Commission. This ODR platform can be found at If your complaint is not yet being handled elsewhere then you are free to file your complaint through the platform of the European Union.